(TheBlackMan.com) In our introduction to rockabilly, I dropped a few tunes that I felt were good introductory songs to the subgenre. Of course, there was the disclaimer that they weren’t the best collective of tracks or the best example of rockabilly. They were chosen because they were both enjoyable tracks ...
(TheBRHM.com) We’ve only done one “Head 2 Head” at this point and there are so many bands to compare! This time we’re looking at Motorhead and Venom, two bands with similar sounds and speeds of play. I’m excited about this one since speed metal and thrash are my favorite genres ...
(TheBRHM.com) New York-based act Riot V is a band that I discovered after delving into the act’s days as Riot and discovering Thundersteel. Released in 1988, Thundersteel would’ve made for a tremendous topic for our “Greatest Debut Albums” segment because of how strong of an album it is from start ...
(TheBRHM.com) Canada has a strong reputation as country that generates primo rock and heavy metal. We got the likes of Rush, Anvil, and Razor from the Great White North. Another long-time act from Canada is Thor, a band that takes its name from frontman Jon Mikl Thor and has been ...
(TheBRHM.com) We touched on neoclassical and one artist mentioned was 80s guitar virtuoso and neoclassical metal pioneer Yngwie J. Malmsteen. The Swedish metal legend got his start in 1978 and released three demos with his power trio band before being scooped up by Shrapnel Records and hooked up with the ...
(TheBRHM.com) In the late 2000s, there was a spotlight on metal and it seemed to come out of nowhere. See, the genre never died, the mainstream attention just moved on to other genres of music. During that time, you had bands that either stayed the course, faded out, or tried ...
(TheBRHM.com) Originally, we were going to sit down and talk with Norwegian black metal artist Halfden Svarti of the bands Moor and Phantom Castle but putting a schedule together to questions, send them out, and go back and forth is…an adventure. While the interview will happen, it didn’t go down ...
(TheBRHM.com) We’re looking at a band from the “thrash revival” era in Merciless Death’s 2006 debut Evil in the Night. At eight tracks and a little over 25-minutes, Evil in the Night is a fast-paced thrash thrill ride but how does it hold up as a debut? A quick intro ...
(TheBRHM.com) Metallica is one of the legends of heavy metal as the band that really took the genre mainstream. Coming out of the 1980s Bay Area thrash scene, Metallica has seen a few changes in members and sound but always maintained the core songwriting duo of singer/rhythm guitarist James Hetfield ...
(TheBRHM.com) Speed metal is a subgenre of metal that I’d place between old school, more traditional heavy metal and just before power metal and thrash. It always existed alongside heavy metal as it wasn’t unusual for bands to kick up the speed a bit. A band I really enjoy—Riot—started out ...
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