Greatest Album Debuts: Dismantle – Satanic Force (2009).

( The 2000s was a really hot period for metal as a lot of newer bands formed either early that decade or at the end of the 1990s began releasing material. I’ve found that most the bangers I enjoy from this period came out in the later part of the 2000s such as Satanic Force by California thrash band Dismantle.

Who Are Dismantle?

Formed in 2006, the act was formed out of the band Maraud and was basically The Satanix before becoming Dismantle. It’s sole founding member is Adam R. Warrior who handles vocal and bass duties. As for their lyrical content and approach, it’s lyrics about evil and Satan—pretty much in the same fashion as contemporaries Toxic Holocaust, Merciless Death, and Mortifier.

Their approach on this album is blistering-fast thrash with raspy vocals in simplest terms but there’s a little something extra in here: Warrior’s shrieks. When I tell you that the shrieks on the vocals are one of the things that set this apart from a lot of the releases from this period…

The thing is that besides Deathhammer and Ranger, there weren’t many young bands that delivered notable shrieks. Oh, you’ll get shrieking vocals from many bands but you have a couple of singers/bands who really stand on those shrieks.

Anyway, let’s get explore the debut release from April 2009: Satanic Force. We’ll look at both sides of the project and point out what I feel are the stronger songs, the ones you must hear, and the strength of the opening track. One “*” is a must-listen while “**” is a song that needs to be in a playlist or something—however you get down.

Greatest Album Debuts: Dismantle – Satanic Force (2009).

A-Side of Satanic Force

To start: this album has 10 tracks—perfect. Dismantle keeps the same energy throughout so, this might be one of our shorter “Greatest Debut Albums” dives. On the A-side, we have the tunes “Vile Spell”, “Exorcistic Rites”, “7th Storm”, “Satanic Metal”, and “Demonic Funeral”. To say that the band comes in hard as hell would be an understatement because these first five tracks just slam.

The album as a whole is lead foot on the gas from “Vile Spell”. There’s no feeling out or progressing from song to song. You don’t have a cool-down track from all that headbanging—no. “Vile Spell” sets the pace but if you’ve never listened to this album before by “7th Storm” you’ll know what kind of party this is.

I will say that the A-side is a great showcase of Adam R. Warrior’s vocals at this time. If there’s an opportunity to hit that shriek, he hits it at the perfect time on these songs. As for the rest of the band’s performance on this side, Unholy Molester gets it done on the drums. This guy is keeping pace with Frank Reaper’s guitar work which—for a band that had been together for three years at this point—was really good.

There were several new thrash bands that really delivered while being a part of—what I call—the Slayer/Sodom/Kreator end of thrash. Just really fast, and aggressive as all get out thrash metal. Mind you, I can see it not being everyone’s cup of tea because it can get old fast but as an introduction to the band, I feel this approach catches listeners and keeps them long enough to grow with the band.

As for the strongest tracks on the A-side, I had trouble picking the three to highlight because for me, a lover of thrash and speed metal—this is a perfect A-side. There are no misses, folks.

Standout Tracks: Vile Spell*, Exorcistic Rites, Satanic Metal**


On the B-side, we have “Crucify”, “Tales of the Wicked”, “Crypt Sacrifice”, “Ritual of the Dead”, and “Dismantle (Satanic Force)”. I’ll say that this side wasn’t as strong as the A-side but it does have the strongest song on the album. “Crucify” continues the pace and approach of the A-side while “Tales of the Wicked”, “Crypt Sacrifice”, and “Ritual of the Dead” show that Dismantle can do a little extra.

Those three songs are definitely fast and furious but there’s a little more build before we get to the slammage. Not much, now. We’re not talking two minutes of build in a four-minute track or anything but they’re showing that they don’t just slam nonstop.

Actually, I’d say that trio is a precursor to their second and last album Enter the Forbidden, the more refined of their two releases. Finally, we get to the powerhouse of the album: “Dismantle (Satanic Force)”. This song is amazing. It’s actually no different from the majority of the album but there’s so much power in the titular track that it’s like they left it all on the dance floor.

It features great pacing throughout, Warrior delivers with the shrieks, and that chorus? It’s a truly tremendous track.

Strongest Tracks: Crucify, Crypt Sacrifice, Dismantle (Satanic Force)**

Strength of the Opener: “Vile Spell”

As mentioned in the A-side, “Vile Spell” is a very strong opener and lets you know what kind of party you’re getting into. So, it gets the job done very well for its position. There are a few stronger candidates but they have a place that works where they are. “Dismantle” would be a tremendous opener but I can’t see anything else being as strong of a closer, really. Perhaps “Satanic Metal” which is another strong candidate for opener.

Other Opener Candidates: Dismantle (Satanic Force)**, Satanic Metal**

Staff Writer; M. Swift

This talented writer is also a podcast host, and comic book fan who loves all things old school. One may also find him on Twitter at; metalswift.