Greatest Album Debuts: Kerry King – From Hell I Rise.

( Right now, I’m on my third re-listen of Kerry King’s From Hell I Rise. I went into this solo project from Slayer co-founder and guitarist Kerry King in a piece about solo projects that were or are better than the main band and this doesn’t disappoint at all.

From Hell I Rise is also a first in that it’s the first album review on a release from the year the review was done on TheBRHM. It’s fitting because as you know: I love fast, aggressive music and I’m more enthused to dive into a project when I know it’s that kind of party. I was interested in the album when I first read that Kerry King and fellow Slayer bandmate/drummer Paul Bostaph were cooking something up back in 2019-2020.

Kerry King – From Hell I Rise.

They wanted something that was familiar or for it to sound like Slayer without being Slayer. Now, with solo projects, when artists tend to sound very similar to their original or main band—even down to lyrical content. In the case of the Kerry King experience, we get the stuff about Hell and anti-religion but there’s also some politics in there which is interesting.

On the vocals we have Mark Osegueda of Death Angel fame while bass duties are handled Kyle Sanders who was in Hellyeah for several years. Our other guitarist for this release is another California metal veteran in Phil Demmel, formerly of Vio-Lence and Machine Head.

Now that we’ve got the roster down, let’s get into the album! As always, one “*” is a must listen and “**” is a must fave.

A-Side of Kerry King – ‘From Hell I Rise’

Made of the first six tunes “Diablo”, “Where I Reign”, “Residue”, “Idle Hands”, “Trophies of the Tyrant” and “Crucifixation”, the A-side of From Hell I Rise came in with some heat! The opener is an instrumental and y’all know I’m not the biggest fan of instrumentals. If it’s a neo-classical or shred metal release—fine. On albums with vocals? Give me the songs with vocals, I love singing ability.

However, it fits as a way to get listeners primed and lubricated for what the album has to offer. Business kicks off with “Where I Reign” and we’re off to the races for this side of album. Each song has some oomph to them but as always there are standouts to any side or half of an album.

Of the first six, I’d say “Where I Reign”, the single “Idle Hands” and “Trophies of the Tyrant” really slam. Hard. The instrumentals are great, sounds like Slayer and Osequeda’s performance is awesome—and consistent throughout the album. Both “Where I Reign” and “Trophies of the Tyrant” would’ve been stronger singles than “Idle Hands” and “Residue” as I feel they embody this album the best of the A-side.

Standout Tracks: Where I Reign**, Idle Hands, Trophies of the Tyrant*


Now if you want endless slammage, you flip that bad boy over and you start with—any song. I found the entire B-side very enjoyable with no actual skips and was constantly like “This is good sh*t.” There were many replays, folks. The B-side features seven tracks with the peak of this album starting at “Toxic”. The power and fury of this lineup just moves from track to track after the momentum of “Toxic” and doesn’t let up on the gas!

Honestly, two of the songs on a B-side could’ve strengthened the A-side in “ Tension” and “Everything I Hate About You”. Perhaps move “Cruxification” or “Residue” to the B-side as a stop-gap because the B-side is running red lights from “Tension”. Also, the album closer “From Hell I Rise” is probably the most track list-flexible tune here as it could’ve been on either side and opened the album.

Again: the B-side slams hard.

Standout Tracks: Toxic**,  Rage, From Hell I Rise**

Strength of the Opener: Diablo

“Diablo” was a decent opener for From Hell I Rise. As an instrumental it went a little long for my liking and could’ve been anywhere on the album but it fits the overall vibe and approach of the album. A better option from the A-side would’ve been “Where I Reign” while “From Hell I Reign” would’ve been the best opener hands down.

However, closing out the album with the self-titled track is a move I can respect because of how good the song is in relation to the other tunes here. Overall, there were a lot of bangers here and I say check it out! It’s the Slayer album you deserve after 20 years.

If you gave Kerry King’s From Hell I Rise, what did you think? Was it flames, garbage or meh? As always, let us know down below.

Staff Writer; M. Swift

This talented writer is also a podcast host, and comic book fan who loves all things old school. One may also find him on Twitter at; metalswift.